Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 24, 2013

Three gifts accomplished.


  1. Signed up to host my first Compassion table at an event. Exciting to see God leading in this journey of advocacy.

    The kids on the robotics team have a fully functioning robot, a completed notebook, prepared and ready to present marketing presentation. They've worked so hard.

    In the midst of a busy week, I am thankful for the strength and grace to get things done- meals prepared, everyone to school and work on time with out too much stress, laundry washed, etc. Those things do matter and sometimes I forget.

  2. - Corinne quickly got a report together for 4H, and they needed it for the meeting
    - the Harry Potter series, can't believe I read that many books
    - 12 competed scrapbooks, about 10 years worth
