Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014

a gift worn out, new, made-do


  1. worn out- the knees in the jeans my sil handed back down to me. I love when I get clothes that used to be Grant's and have made it through most of my nephews and then Gabe gets to wear them. It's always a little walk down memory lane.

    new- the silicone handle for my iron skillet. it was a Valentine gift from Todd, not traditional, but sweet. :)

    made do- our refrigerator is 15 years old now, it's starting to make weird noises, but it's hanging in there. It's an easy appliance to take for granted, but man, I'm glad we have it.

  2. worn out- my Mom Rocks night shirt, so comfortable
    new- the seedlings we have started
    made do- our vehicles, they get us where we need to go even with small problems they each have
