Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 16, 2013

3 hard eucharisteos


  1. - today is the anniversary date of my mom's death- 34 years ago

    - in 3 days it is the anniversary date of my dad's death- 16 years ago

    - being around Anthony's parents, which is often now that we live in Pineville, a constant reminder that I don't have parents to call or visit with

  2. :( sorry, Amy. Praying for you this morning.

  3. Watching friends struggling as their daughter battles leukemia. Encouraged by their faithfulness and trust in God.

    Remembering a dear friend and prayer partner today on her birthday.

    Listening as a friend struggles through some hard times.

  4. My granddad's bday is today. Lots of mixed emotions as we do miss him but also a lot of it is what he could have been.
    Thankful for the ability to parent my now 14 year old, even when it's a struggle.
    Physical struggles lead to greater dependence on God to strengthen me.
