Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19, 2013

3 gifts square


  1. 324. The cushions on my deck chairs- I love the moments I get to just relax out there.

    325. A sweet gift of stone coasters from a friend- she made them and put a different verses (four of my favorites) on a each one. They are so pretty I don't use them as coaster. :) They make me think of her each time I see them.

    326. "A square peg into a round hole"- how I feel some days. Those are the days, in some way, God usually graciously reminds me He made uniquely for His purposes.

  2. - square plates, platters and bowls that I earned when I sold Pampered Chef many years ago
    - all the cube shelving units we have (58 cubes total)
    - magnetic board given to me when I left AL, it holds pictures of very dear friends
