Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

3 gifts "ugly beautiful"


  1. - how I feel about a church retreat I was not able to go to, so glad for those who did get to go (I know how hard it is to leave families/kids)

    - scars (a small scar on my arm from Corinne's birth)

    - crying, so ugly when it is happening but freeing when it is over

  2. :( Amy. We so wish you could have been there.

    1. I didn't realize all of you were going. When Ronda told me about it so long ago she didn't know who was going either. I should have tried harder to make it happen and be there. Tough for me to do when it was planned so far ahead.

  3. 349. The recognition of sin, the beauty of grace.

    350. The reality of how hard it is to keep our eyes on our own journey (since 25 women agreed, I think it's fairly universal), the beauty of true friendships that shy away from making others feel lesser.

    351. Life is filled with moments that have a little of both.
