Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14, 2013

a gift picked up, put away, put back


  1. Hi girls. I'm back, thanks to encouragement from Sandi! I will try to pop in more often. :)

    1. picked up - well, picking up counting these gifts again, I suppose!
    2. put away - I put away a lot of photos (= memories) that had been on my wall since I moved here. It was time.
    3. put back - I've put back in my contacts instead of just wearing glasses and no makeup every day. It's just one small step to putting myself back to who I want to be.

  2. Yay, Jenna!

    400. picked up-treats from Sonic because of a gift card from Grandma and Grandpa.

    401. put away- the mess in my kitchen...at least three times. Thankful for running water, appliances, and food.

    402. put back- my hair, in a ponytail. :) Almost to my goal for donating.

  3. picked up- picking up Simone at Starbase camp

    put away- a place for everything and everything in its place

    put back- a bowl I really love, but don't need, I pick it up and put it back every time I go to Walmart
