Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5, 2013

a gift in a sign, a smile, a snack


  1. 373. Sign- The church sign I saw on the way to church this morning. This particular Methodist church never fails to amuse me.

    374. Smile- the laughter that occurred while watching videos Grant made when he was 9. He took the video camera one afternoon when Gabe was a baby and just shot video all around the house. They were hilarious. Todd and I had never seen them before.

    375. Snack- my nightly bowl of cereal

  2. a sign- not crying when I see the Welcome to Pineville sign

    a smile- silly smiles from Dominic

    a snack- the kids pointed out it is chocolate chip day, so of course it is chocolate chip cookies for snack (so glad I like baking, I know lots of people that would never whip up a batch of cookies from scratch)
