Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 18, 2013

3 gifts unexpected


  1. - a wise, older couple who seeks to pour into our marriage frequently have blessed James and me so much. We didn't even ask for them, but God knew we needed them and I'm so grateful.

    - a younger friend/sister who is generously giving of her time to love on my kids so I can have a break every now and then. I did ask for this one, and God graciously granted that request.

    - a side job as nurse/medic on the set of a new movie shooting in our area for James. It is a surprise gift also, but we'd prayed for extra income, so are grateful.

  2. A long walk with a dear friend.

    "Randomly" running into a friend on a day when she really needed to talk.

    Time to sit and have a cup of coffee with Todd before our busy day began.

  3. - trip to Chuck E. Cheese with the kids, lots of fun

    - a text that a friend found books for Simone

    - lunch at 5 Guys today
