Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 14, 2013

a gift in a ring, curve, sphere


  1. ring- the ring of the door bell that gave us a chance to help a neighbor.

    curve- the curves in the road that arm making my legs stronger each day.

    sphere- today a little girl on the other side of the sphere of earth received a sponsor. my heart is filled with joy for both the sponsor and M tharunika. Thankful for the small opportunity to be a part.

  2. ring- my kids watched the Lord of the Rings movies with us and really liked them

    curve- the scrapbook page I am working on has a road that is curved, it is when Dominic turned 1

    sphere- studying astronomy this year for science, the earth is so small compared to the sun (1 million earths could fit inside the sun)
