Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013

a gift cut, sewn, buttoned


  1. cut- the cardboard the girls cut to make laptops and ipads, great use of imagination

    sewn- I had to shorten a skirt I bought online, washed it and it didn't fall apart

    buttoned- Dominic in a buttoned down shirt on Sunday, he just looked so grown up

  2. cut- chocolate chip skillet cookie- cut and shared with people I love.

    sewn- the way God has sewn the hearts of several families together through a precious little girl. I was thinking about this last night. Through Emily's struggle real relationships have been built, relationships that will only grow and deepen.

    buttoned- Todd dresses up for work everyday now. He looks nice in the buttoned down shirts.

  3. cut: it may sound silly, but i love to cut my family's hair. it's a money saver, but also is nice to be able to have them sitting still for a little bit, and have time to talk with just one at a time - a rare thing in this household

    sewn: sweet little animal ornaments from Africa that mean so much to me

    buttoned: owen needed help with a jacket the other day, and it made me smile to still be able to help him. won't be much longer till he quits asking, i'm afraid.
