Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014

3 gifts read...


  1. David Cook publishing gives away free Kindle books each week. I have had the opportunity to read several books that I otherwise would probably never had even heard of.

    The Little house series with Gabe. We are on book 4. He loves them.

    The Gateway Chronicles- a series written by a teacher at Grant's school. Grant has read them all, I am still on book one, but I am enjoying it. It has been really neat to see how God has used this teacher, her gift, and her generosity in the lives of the students at Evangel and so many out side of our school family.

    1. I have been wanting to read these, sadly our library doesn't have them and can't get them. are they like hunger games? I had read on fb another friend saying how good they were.

  2. - been reading a bible devotion on my phone each morning
    - about to start Crazy Love
    - recipes in my recipe binder, thankful for the favorites and how some remind me of friends
