Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6, 2014

a gift bent, broken, beautiful


  1. Bent- Somedays I am so bent on doing things my way, God has been removing that selfishness step by painful step. Thankful. Growing. Still more selfish than I want to be.

    Broken- my journey bracelet. Made me so sad. For the last three years I have had my "word of the year" bracelet made through MudLove. I was cleaning out a drawer and it got tangled up and hit the floor hard. Super glue might work.

    Beautiful- The new leaves on the butterfly bush I planted in memory of Cassie several years ago. Each spring it reminds me of hope.

  2. bent- the trees under the weight of the snow a few weeks ago
    broken- the coffee mug Simone broke while unloading the dishwasher, thankful I didn't get angry and just said, that's okay, no big deal
    beautiful- all the flowers in the yard, they are actually weeds, but so pretty
