Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16, 2013

3 gifts moving


  1. 1. Driving around town bookshopping and getting froyo with a younger sister-friend
    2. the energetic kids around church
    3. time and how it heals

  2. - the saw we got Anthony for Father's Day, made the job of building Corinne's bed much easier

    - going to church, glad we found a place that we all enjoy going to

    - knowing we have another move in about 7 months and starting to house hunt

  3. Getting ready for VBS week. Moving furniture, schedules, etc.

    Gabe and Todd wrestling. They had to move all the cushions off the couch so that they could have mats.

    Life- moves, shifts, changes. thankful that God is always the same.
