Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19, 2013

3 gifts you became today in serving


  1. Serving in VBS this week so these all have something to do with that...

    Blessed by hearing how God led Mike to lead the firehouse ministry.

    Engaged in worship.

    Surrounded by friends serving the same God.

  2. Also serving in VBS...

    Can I ditto Sandi's? Also...

    A jungle gym with some really sweet toddlers.

    Encouraged by the willingness of so many people happy to serve anyway they are needed.

  3. - watching TCASC members (through facebook) serving a family in need, that is why I love that church and its people so much

    - making sugar cookies because it is sugar cookie day

    - serving dinner to my family, I take pride in a simple job that I do everyday
