Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 5, 2013

a gift of peace, of hope, of love


  1. peace - I have plenty of time
    hope - Each day is a new one, fresh with no mistakes in it (yet).
    love - I have people who genuinely care about me, even though I forget sometimes.

  2. peace- I don't have to know God's will for the rest of my life, I just have to listen to His spirit. He wants to be my all. I can rest in Him.

    hope- He is enough.

    love- Yesterday Todd and I celebrated 19 years of marriage. It hasn't always been easy, but it has always been good. So thankful.

  3. peace- is not the absence of conflict but the presence of God (just got a sign that says this)

    hope- belief in a good outcome, I know God has a good outcome planned for my life

    love- love God and love others, that what I tell the kids are the 2 main rules in the bible
