Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3, 2013

3 gifts from today's conversations


  1. 1. Laughing with Jere over the phone when I haven't seen him in over a week.

    2. I had a missed call from my Aunt Loucenia. I called her back and found out she accidentally called me but we had a wonderful conversation. Really miss her a lot.

    3. Good news from my MIL that Jere's aunt is out of the hospital and doing okay.

  2. Sunday's conversations :)
    1. Getting to learn from my Sunday School class.
    2. spent lunch and the afternoon with a dear family I love very much
    3. introducing a relatively new friend to the rest of our wonderful church family

  3. 1. A quick chat with a friend before Sunday School.

    2. Spending lunch and the afternoon with a sweet friend I love very much. :)

    3. Chatting with a new friend at the church cook out. She has had a rough few months, but is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

  4. - discussing future plans with Anthony

    - teaching Simone about how people use their money for different things

    - being told I "make the best chocolate milk in the world" by a sweet 4 yr. old
