Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

a gift outside, inside, on a plate


  1. outside- the sun shining this afternoon after a morning of gray and drizzly skys.

    inside- the den is starting to get organized. Todd's wall of shelves looks fantastic. The perfect built in. Things are slowly coming together.

    on a plate- pizza shared with good friends visiting family for the holidays. So thankful for a night to catch up, laugh, and watch the kids play.

  2. outside- yesterday I got to work outside the whole day with Anthony, we took down the red shed and plan to make it a garden
    inside- the kids played inside most of the day without fighting
    on a plate- we found a new favorite dish, sauteed cabbage, had it yesterday and today

  3. Outside- The kids played outside a lot at the lake in Wednesday. So thankful to not have them asking to play on electronics for so many hours.

    Inside- My job on these cold wet windy days. There is now a crosswalk between all buildings so I don't have to go outside in bad weather.

    On a plate- I made homemade guacamole for the first time. It was so yummy!
