Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3, 2014

3 graces you overheard


  1. I am so not good at follow through and have tears in my eyes reading back through these gifts that y'all have been posting. Would you be willing to let this slacker join you again for 2014. Or at least try? Love you ladies!

  2. I see we can go off topic....:-)

    1. Jere's parents found his old baseball jacket and it fits Drew perfectly. What a great surprise for Jere.

    2. They also found a t-shirt of Jere's from when he managed a band in highschool. Alyson wore it home so lots of childhood memories.

    3. I have my family back under one roof. The kids have been on retreat or with grandparents for the last week and now everyone is home again.

  3. You don't even have to ask, silly. :)

  4. Grant and Russell laughing and being silly.

    The cashier to the lady in front of me at Publix. Listening and answering kindly.

    Gabe talking to his friend at lunch. I love five/six year old conversations.

  5. (going off topic)
    - fun field trip today to tv station
    - getting Simone back in piano
    - thankful C and D sat quietly so I could sit in on the piano lesson
