Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014

a gift old, new, blue


  1. Old- the comfy, warm, pj pants I'm wearing after a long day at the scholar's bowl. I love that Grant is enjoying this new undertaking so much and that he wants me to go with him each time. I also love that I am now home and comfy. :)

    New- (to me) Grant has let me use his old kindle. It's the old version that does nothing but allow you to read, but I love it. I love being able to have 50 books with me at any given moment.

    Blue- the berries in my pancakes.

  2. Old - we took down our Christmas tree. It was fun going through all of the old ornaments and pictures of the kids that hang on our tree each year.

    New - spending time reading a new book I got for Christmas

    Blue - my "Love Multiplied" t-shirt that helped with the Tatum's adoption. A reminder to pray for them and others going through the adoption process when I wear it.

  3. old- friends in many states, I love that I have my friends board on my desk now
    new- deep freezer, so nice to have some convenience foods in there for when I don't feel like cooking
    blue- even when I have what I call "blue days" I know better, happier days are sure to come
