Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 8, 2014

dusky light, surprising reflection, lovely shadow


  1. Dusky light- the dark theatre enjoying a movie with Gabe

    Surprising reflection- I went into "Frozen" with no clue of the plotline. I loved seeing the reflection of scripture when love was explained as being truly selfless. We had some good conversation about it later.

    Lovely shadows- the sun was out and the air was warmer. Lovely. :)

  2. Dusky light - the quiet dark morning when I'm up before everyone else.

    Surprising reflection - walking through the halls at work and seeing the sun (finally) shining through the stained glass windows. So pretty.

    Lovely shadows - Seeing all of my kids running through the shadows in the church parking lot, excited about getting back to W3 and the youth group.

  3. dusky light- I love when I open the blinds in the morning and we see the light waking up and brightening everything
    surprising reflection- similarities in Simone and me
    lovely shadows- the shadows of the trees in the backyard
