Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9,2014

a gift held, passed by, sat with


  1. held- BIG hugs from a little boy at bedtime. I love those sweet snuggles, even when they are a stall tactic being used to stay up a little later. :)

    passed by- pretty colors peeking out behind the dreary clouds as I drove home from an errand.

    sat with- friends at prayer team. tonight was filled with deep conversation, sharing, and praying. i felt renewed when i left.

  2. Held - my sweet puppies who snuggle up and love me always

    Passed by - the trashcan, about 200 times as I cleaned out the laundry room and linen closet and threw away old meds, rags, dust, etc... So thankful for our trash men who come each week.

    Sat with - my family as we ate dinner and started planning our Spring Break trip to Disney.

  3. held- had to hold D during a field trip today, he is getting so big, but I still loved holding him
    passed by- homeless people today in the downtown area which led to a discussion on what we could do and we decided to make bags to keep in the van to hand out when we see a homeless person
    sat with- the kids in the van, now when I am in the van by myself, it seems so weird cause they are always with me, so glad of that
