Friday, July 12, 2013

July 12, 2013

a gift of life, growth, decline


  1. life- the birth of Lucy Jane Stockard (born yesterday), it is so joyous to me to see people become parents for the first time, congrats to Blake and Rachel

    growth- so neat that I have known Blake since he was little (when we lived in Nashville)and we watched him grow up for 9 years, and how he married someone we know from a different state(daughter of our pastor from Birmingham)

    decline- my body feels like it is declining. I realize I am aging, especially as I see friends of ours that are now becoming grandparents

  2. Life- each day is a new gift

    growth- the butterfly bush in my side yard- it is so tall now.

    decline- the health of my Grandmother- it makes my heart heavy to think of losing her. What a blessing to be in my 40's and still have her in my life.
