Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17, 2013

a gift turned, folded, hung


  1. Turned: The channel on the TV. Drew was watching Sponge Bob and realized it was 7:05pm and quickly turned the channel to watch "The Bible". All on his own. Thankful.

    Folded: The 6 loads of laundry that I did this weekend.

    Hung: The weekly planning calendars and the pictures that are on my refrigerator. They keep me organized and remind me to pray.

  2. turned- I love turning pages in a book that I am reading
    folded- white towels
    hung- a picture tat reminds me of sweet friends

  3. Turned- The pages of their Bibles as my Life Group kids looked up verses teaching about true peace.

    Folded- Warm blankets at the end of our bed

    Hung- The coffee pictures hanging in our kitchen. I found them all on clearance and they fit us perfectly.
