Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2, 2013

Three gifts green.


  1. 1. The cushion on the rocking chair in our living room. I love knowing that I, Todd's mom, his grandma, and his great grandma have all rocked our babies in that chair.

    2. My warm, comfy blanket on this cold day.

    3. My eyes- after spending half the day with them dilated after my eye doctor appointment yesterday, I am extra thankful for the gift of sight today.

  2. - lego table, so glad we kept it, D loves playing there, I love that it keeps all the lego's in one place

    - grass, so thankful for a yard and some grass for kids to play in

    - a scrapbook of wonderful AL friends

  3. - A kerosene lamp of James' mom is a sweet reminder of her that i see daily on my kitchen window sill
    - my camera strap made by a talented friend
    - an old dresser from James' dad that I refinished and kept distressed looking
