Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25, 2013

a gift sung, written, painted


  1. Sung- I have two for this...Matthew West's Stop the World. It's been just what I've needed.

    And, Gabe singing along with Christ Tomlin from the back seat of the car, almost word for word..."Where you go, I'll go
    Where you stay, I'll stay
    When you move, I'll move
    I will follow you
    Who you love, I'll love
    How you serve I'll serve
    If this life I lose, I will follow you, yeah
    I will follow you."

    2. Written- "Resurrection Letters-Meditations on the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ" by Andrew Peterson. The letters are a beautiful way to walk through this Holy Week.

    3. Painted- the little ceramic figures Gabe worked on today. Fun times.

  2. sung- hearing the girls sing christian songs on the radio in the van

    written- a new journal I bought to write down verses, special words, etc. so they are in 1 place and not on a million postcards

    painted- a very special dragonfly picture
