Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26, 2013

3 gifts almost gone


  1. 1. The cold weather.

    2. My years with Grant living at home are shrinking. It seems everyday he becomes more "man-like". It's strange and good. It's hard to believe he will be 14 in a few months. I want to cherish every precious moment.

    3. My years with a preschooler are almost over, too. Gabe will start kindergarten next year. Life goes by so fast. It really does make me more thankful for the daily stuff.

  2. - what is left of me, I think I am being broken down so I have only Him to rely on

    (like Sandi's reply)
    - the innocence of childhood, girls are growing up so fast and having to understand the world around them a little more each day

    - Dominic is 4 and not a baby anymore, so thankful for times he comes to the store with me and it is just the 2 of us
