Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21, 2013

a gift salty, sweet, just right


  1. 1. Salty- The dry roasted peanuts we had for a snack.

    2. Sweet- Time with Gabe after I picked him up from school. I heard all about the letter W, playground time, and I even learned a new song.

    3. Just right- the pot of coffee I made at 3pm. I still had hours to go before I could rest and it was just what I needed.

  2. salty- soy sauce that went with the homemade sushi, I thought it was a flop but the family loved it

    sweet- the bunny bread I attempted, didn't look great, but tasted yummy, kids compared it to hawaiian bread

    just right- how I feel in the kitchen, love cooking and baking, it is a place that fits just right for me
