Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 17, 2013

Three gifts found giving/serving.


  1. 1. Serving-My mother and father-in-law served us graciously this past week by sharing their car as we looked for a replacement for the van.

    2. Giving-Writing letters to our sponsored kids. It is so humbling to think how much a letter that just takes me a few minutes to write means to them. Of course, the ones we get back, mean a whole lot to us, too.

    3. Serving- the gift of serving the senior high girls in our new small group and the gift of partnership with Hannah as we lead together.

  2. - giving my in-laws some leftovers to take home, I could see the realization on f-i-l's face too when we both realized we live close enough to send leftovers home with them
    - being able to help our sponsored child's grandmother with medical expenses
    - serving my family
