Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24, 2013

Three gifts before 11am.


  1. 1. Some real sharing from my youth group kids as we studied the fruit of the Spirit.

    2. Snuggle time with a precious baby.

    3. Deep conversation with my friend and nursery partner.

  2. Three gifts before 11 am all took place in a humbling, beautiful Sunday am at church:
    - Bible study with wise, invested-in-my-life folks covering a subject so dear to my heart reduced me to tears
    - powerful worship music full of truth I needed to sing and hear
    - hearing three different passages or topics I had studied and been working through just this week, then also taught by our pastor, really confirmed that God is working and moving in my life.

  3. - starting each day with coffee and a soul mate next to me
    - starting our school day with a bible story
    - kids sitting at the counter and just loving sitting there and having a snack, a simple joy
