Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

A gift worn out, new, made-do.


  1. 1. Worn out- my dishwasher- it's struggling these days, but still plugging along.

    2. New- God's mercies for each day.

    3. Made do- We had to take the new car to the shop for some work, so I made do with no car today. It meant a day of staying home, reading with Gabe, and lots of laundry and cleaning. It was a change of plans, but still a good day.

  2. 1. worn out - me, by the end of the day, I am just done from housework, school work, etc. grateful that I have a house to clean, kids to teach, food to cook, dishes to clean

    2. new - new bookshelves that provide organization which makes me so happy

    3. made do - baskets, I seem to have so many but they get moved around and put in different rooms and find new purposes
