Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3, 2013

Three gifts found in writing.


  1. I'm picking favorite books for this one...

    1. Into the Depths of God by Calvin Miller (reading it now, powerful.)

    2. The Debt by Angela Hunt (one of my favorite Christian fiction books, beautiful allegory.)

    3. The Harry Potter series. Love the characters. Love the beautiful story of love, friendship, bravery, and redemption. Love everything about it. They are the books I pick up when I'm just needing something to read.

  2. 1. For my first anniversary, Jere had some of his poems and short stories bound and gave them to me as a gift. That was really the first time he would let me read what he has written. I had to promise to keep them to myself.

    2. The Harry Potter series. (I don't mean to copy you Sandi!) This is a great series but also allows me to connect with my daughter and find something we can really talk about rather than the boy bands that she is into these days. :)

    3. Emily Skelding's book, Picnic Pals. She wrote and illustrated it and a NYC church published it for her. I got to read it last week and it makes me so happy to see the heart she has for others, even when she is dealing with her own battles.

  3. 1. this blog, I have always wanted to blog and write down things to remember and this it perfect
    2. I agree with ya'll, the Harry Potter series and Hunger Games, I really enjoyed them and they sparked my interest in reading (I never liked reading till reading these)
    3. the bible
