Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26, 2013

Three gifts seen as reflections.


  1. We took a road trip today and my reflections are from that:
    1. This clip of the video when we surprised my friend's kids was accidental and makes me smile
    2. Seeing the sunset reflecting off the beautiful dome in Atlanta was a contrast to the foggy, gray drive over in the am
    3. This view of Abigail in my rear view mirror, sewing an owl for Missi on our way to see her reminds me of how thoughtful and creative she is.


  2. Reflections of the day...
    1. Today God gave me an opportunity to share some truth I had learned from a difficult experience and encourage a friend going through a similar struggle. I am so thankful for a God who does not waste our pain.

    2. Reflecting on Exodus 7- age and ability don't matter to God, it's all about obedience.

    3. Reflecting on my evening- Since Gabe and I are on our own this week, I let him pick our dinner. Broccoli, corn on the cob, black beans, and fruit. Our conversation was fun and sweet. I love that kid.

  3. 1. seeing my own eyes and much of my personality reflected back at me when I see my dad (who is in town until Friday morning!)

    2. learning to accept my own reflection in the mirror for what it is

    3. hearing words that were poured into me "reflected" out through my own words.
