Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 7, 2013

A gift at 11:30 AM, 2:30 PM, 6:30 PM.


  1. 11:30ish- Highlight magazine time with Gabe which resulted in him completing a "one hundred day" project. He ran all around the house filling ten bags with ten objects each. I think we counted to 100 at least 10 times. :)good practice, fun times.

    2:30ish- finishing up the third big project of the day. I needed a day like that this week.

    6:30ish- Todd walked in the door. It's nice that that is still one of my favorite parts of the day after 18 years of marriage.

  2. 11:30 - Discovered a worship leader named Audra Lynn. I love her voice and songs!

    2:30 - a compassionate helpful nurse who kept me from completely passing out at the doctor's office today

    6:30 - a listening ear, words of wisdom and a patient heart

  3. 11:30 am journal time, 2:30 puppy love with Owen, 6:30 last caterpillar making its way to the top, hopefully a chrysalis soon.

  4. 11:30 Unexpected lunch date with my husband.

    2:30 Spending time with a friend. Catching up on life and trying to help decorate a purple wagon in memory of a precious girl who is missed very much.

    4:30 Held a week old Elliana and got to visit with her mom too. (I know this wasn't on the list but I am thankful)

    6:30 Family game night. We played "Last Word" and laughed until I cried.

  5. 11:30 the kitchen in the house we are renting has a bar and Simone loves sitting there to do school and I can help her while I get lunch ready

    2:30 afternoon coffee, it is always in fun coffee mugs

    6:30 wrapping up dinner and everyone has an evening chore to do that helps straightened up the house (just started this and it is going well), I hope it shows the kids that we can all do a little and accomplish a lot
