Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jan 10, 2013

a gift sour, sweet, just right


  1. Amy
    sour- today would have been my dad's birthday. he would have been 85. I miss him.
    sweet- amazing how a piece of chocolate helped change my mood after a tough day with the kids
    just right- trying to teach everyone in the house to own their actions and attitudes. trying to see it as a gift that we are all growing together.

  2. Sweet - a silly photo by Abigail of one of our hens, taken just to make me smile
    Sour - tart blackberries added to a meal for our precious pastor's family
    Just right - cup of rooibos tea from South Africa, that I've loved since Amy introduced me to it.

  3. Sweet...Homemade chocolate covered expresso bits. The perfect treat made by a precious friend.

    Sour...Emergent C Lemon/Lime-It's just the right amount of sour. That vitamin boast has helped my start feeling human again after weeks of sickness.

    Just Right...Riding home from a meeting all by myself in the van with John Mark's How He Loves just blaring. Good for the soul.

  4. a gift sour - lemonade. I desperately needed some yesterday for some reason.

    A gift sweet - getting to hang out with Jack's class while they ate lunch. They're a really sweet bunch of kids.

    A gift just right - precious, needed time with the hubs last night. Just sitting right next to each other and talking and watching tv and stuffing our faces with junk food.

  5. a gift sour - Sour patch kids. I don't like them but almost every kid in my life loves them.

    a gift sweet - riding home from girl scouts last night singing and worshiping with Alyson

    a gift just right - some quiet alone time in my house drinking just right coffee and working on organizing our family schedule.
