Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30, 2013

Three old things seen new...


  1. My old van sure doesn't feel that way. I love that it doesn't look worn or raggedy on the inside.

    I still look at my living room and see a new one. Fresh paint can do that. And in this old house that's not always an easy feat.

  2. 1. Pulled out U2's Joshua Tree today. It's just been one of those weeks. Old songs, sweet familiarity.

    2. Our dining room table and chairs. The black paint gives it a whole new look. It's been a few months, but it still makes me smile.

    3. Old ideas, new hope.

  3. pieces of my piano, an't wait to make it into a coffee table

    old school desks Anthony found at a flea market, the girls love them, we plan to paint them and make them really cool and retro looking

    me, every morning I look in the mirror and feel older but know it is a new day of forgiveness, hope, and a chance to see God

  4. 1. Handed down clothes for my kids. They continue to bless us.

    2. Jokes that the kids tell. They think they are new but they are very old. :)

    3. Some of the songs that Jere puts on my mixed "tapes". They hold old memories but are fun to hear while making new ones.
