Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013

A gift on a paper, in a person, in a picture...


  1. On a paper- A kind, encouraging note left for the prayer team from one our pastors.

    In a person- a phone call from dear friends on the other side of the world.

    In a picture- the pictures on our fridge of our sponsored kids. They are a daily reminder to pray, write, and encourage others that we can make a difference.

  2. On a paper - a hand written note I received in the mail from a friend that was very encouraging.

    In a person - so thankful for Charlotte, our cookie mom with the girl scout troop. She gives so unselfishly of her time and energy each year.

    In a picture - pictures taken at our wedding of all 3 sets of our parents that are framed on our TV stand.

  3. on a paper - letter from one of our compassion international kids

    in a person - Anthony, my best friend

    in a picture - pictures of my mom, I don't remember her so pictures are the only way to see her
