Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jan 19, 2013

3 gifts that might never have been


  1. 1. My littlest, highest maintenance, most attached to me, most dramatic, definitely unplanned Smith. I love her more than words can express and am so thankful that I didn't "plan" for her but God gave her to us anyway. I am not always daily "joyful" for some of the seasons with her but I am always thankful. She is truly irreplaceable.

    2. My faith family. It's been a tough 8 years and had we not stuck it out we would not have the community that we have.

    3. Very unlikely friendship made 20 years ago and I still think about and reflect on how they changed me for the better forever.

    1. Tanya- my one and two are very close to yours. I had them planned before I read yours. I love that.

      Gosh and I will never forget the night you told us about Emma. :)We were all floored. I still remember the look on your face. So thankful for that little girl.

  2. 1. Our sweet Gabe, Grant's long hoped for little brother.

    2. Getting to see the unity God has brought into the life of our church family. There were a lot of hard years. There were seasons that I wanted to be anywhere else. But God always said "no" when we thought of leaving. I am so thankful, not just for the results we see now, but for the way He stretched my faith, deepened friendships, revealed truth, and made things possible that I only dreamed of. Sometimes His "no's" are the best "yeses".

    3. The growth that Todd and I had in our spiritual life because of our first pastor as a married couple. We found our first church "accidentally". The first night we visited they were having a church fellowship to say good-bye to a long time member who was moving away. We felt pretty awkward, even though we were kindly invited to stay, so we left promising we would return the following week. That next Sunday began our six year journey with that faith family. The way David lead with gentle, truth-filled teaching was so necessary for my heart after years of legalism. Still so very thankful.

  3. 1- me. from the time I was in my mothers womb, there are many things I only survived because God had bigger plans for me.
    2- all 3 of my pregnancies, they were all miracles that I made it through them
    3- a greater, deeper faith because of trials that we have gone through

  4. 3 gifts that might never have been:
    Though Isaac is an equally precious gift, I had absolutely nothing to do with his birth. Being told my chances of conceiving were extremely unlikely, today I am focusing on the gifts of children that medically speaking, we should never have had. Nah, this one isn't emotional for me or anything. :-)
    1. Abigail Rose - my firstborn, only daughter, and kindred spirit
    2. Elijah James - our long-awaited son born from miraculous delivery, so tender hearted and beauty-loving
    3. Owen Thomas - our totally unexpected baby born during a time of deep grief, who has brought much joy and healing to our family

  5. 1. My sweet Drew. After losing Zacie at 18 weeks of pregnancy, we didn't know if we would have any more children. Emotionally it was too much. But God had other plans right away and we are so very thankful He did.

    2. My relationship with Jere. There were a lot of things going on in my life and some really tough circumstances surrounding the time we met and got to know each other. I cant even imagine life without him.

    3. Cooper. We had always said we would never have more than one dog. We dog sat for my sister and the next thing you know, he was ours. He has grown on me a lot and is definitely a mamma's boy.
