Friday, January 4, 2013

Jan 4, 2013

a gift old, new, blue


  1. Sandi-
    Old- Granny's mixing bowl.

    New- My owl mug- my Christmas gift from Gabe. Todd took him to six stores to find just the right one. They finally ordered it online. :) Each time I use it, it reminds me how loved I am by both the giver and the one who was teaching selfless giving.

    Blue- My jeans. How I love them.

  2. Amy
    old- all the books we just bought at the Goodwill bookstore
    new- $ to buy all the books the kids picked out and not have to tell them, no we don't have the $ for that now (sounds silly but there was a time in our life that books would have been a luxury that I couldn't spend $ on) and it is still a new feeling to be able to buy something without thinking if we have food/neccessities first
    blue- a blue hoodie that keep me warm today and is just so soft

  3. Ronda
    old - an old friend from college that I haven't talked to in a long time who was willing to go beyond what is asked of her to help out a friend(me) today.
    new - my bracelet that Jere gave me for Christmas with charms of my kids on it
    blue - the sky. It seems like I haven't seen blue sky in a long time and I needed it today.

  4. Old, new and blue -
    old friends who are so special and love my kiddos, new bird feeder to enjoy at my window, blue gratitude journal handmade by a friend.

  5. Old - my old house. It's cold and creaky and feels like it's falling apart but I am still grateful the Lord has blessed us with home big enough for us and more.

    New - new paint. All over my kitchen, living room, dining room and hall.

    Blue - silly but true - Facebook. Thankful that I can keep up with old friends and family in a way that was impossible 10 years ago.
