Saturday, January 5, 2013

Jan 5, 2013

Something you're reading, making, seeing.


  1. Reading: Harry Potter Series (on book 5 now - yay!)
    Making: Sausage casserole and fruit for dinner
    Seeing: my husband and kids throwing the football and kicking the soccer ball around together in the back yard. it makes a mama's heart happy.

  2. Reading- Paul Miller's A Praying Life.

    Making- A pot of Tomato Basil soup. Everytime I make it, I think of my dear friend Sue. Thanking God today for the gift her life was to me.

    Seeing- A couple of completed projects that were goals for the week.

  3. Amy
    reading- Chronicles of Narnia (I am really trying to get into it but it is not grabbing me like Hunger Games or Harry Potter did, but I want to stick with it and finish it)
    making- family memories (Islands of Adventure today)
    seeing- seeing excitement on my kids faces

  4. Reading - Jesus Calling devotionals with the kids every morning this week at breakfast. Feels awkward at first but I'm loving it.

    Making - homemade pretzels for dinner!

    Seeing - my daughter go through hard times of maturity and come out shining on the other side

  5. Reading the book "Graceful" has challenged me and been one of those that I want every woman I know to read; Making lunch with this helper; Seeing my family watch a movie together
