Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jan 2, 2013

a gift outside, inside, on a plate


  1. Amy
    outside: another sunny day (like D would say "it's a dunny day") and a chance to go to the park
    inside: kids doing school with good attitudes today
    on a plate: paper plates, yes, I am thankful for paper plates

  2. outside: no rain after a day of non-stop rain
    inside: seeing my freshly painted walls
    on a plate: my mom's homemade bread

  3. outside: a cloudy cold day that makes it easier to stay inside and do laundry
    inside: a washing machine that works so we can wash 8 loads of clothes today
    on a plate: today it is grapes... they are so sweet/juicy and a bit of something healthy when I don't have much food left in my house besides candy and crackers.

  4. Sandi-
    Outside: A lovely neighbor who drove to our house from a street over because she has rescued Gordon. She kept him in her garage to keep him safe. I had never met her before today.
    Inside: Room organizing- purging the old, enjoying the new.
    On a plate: Scrambled eggs from my mother-in-law's chickens and Canadian bacon for breakfast.

  5. outside: paperwhite narcissus sprouting up with hope on a cold, gray day
    inside: unexpectedly finding toys seemingly spelling out "joy" on the train table
    on a plate: from scratch corn muffins by abi when i felt too puny to cook, on a plate from my Mama
