Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Jan 9, 2013

a gift held, passed by, sat with


  1. Amy
    a gift held- the song "Held" by Natalie Grant
    passed by- the beautiful flowers that we pass every time we leave the apartment complex
    sat with- as bad a habit as it is, I love that the way D goes to sleep every night is by laying down on my lap on the couch while I watch tv. I know it will stop one day and he will be a big boy and not want that snuggle time with his mommy.

    1. This is what it means to be held.
      How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
      And you survive.
      This is what it is to be loved.
      And to know that the promise was
      When everything fell we’d be held.

    2. I love that song. Beautiful truth.

  2. I absolutely love that song Amy! It is a wonderful gift for sure to be held by The One who loves us more than anyone else. We just learned tonight that Emily Skelding's cancer is moving very quickly through her body again. When I read this, I sat and cried and am going to send these words to Michele and ask that you pray with us for Emily and the family to rest in being held.

  3. a gift held - my sweet Drew who actually sat in my lap today and let me hold him as he cried and told me about his horrible day at school. I'm surprised he still let me hold him but am oh so thankful.

    passed by - the new Helena High School. It is coming along so well and I'm excited that my kids can continue with school here in Helena.

    sat with - my sweet puppies. I can't sit on the couch or the bed without them wanting to sit right up against me or on top of me. It makes me feel so loved and warm too!

  4. A gift held - my sweet Emma. She says "I need to hold you" probably 20 times a day and won't let up until "she holds me".

    Passed by - I finally got to visit with a friend that I only get to "pass by" all too often. Too short but so nice.

    Sat with - Lois, Marcy, Jim and Lydia

  5. a gift held - memories in my heart of loved ones
    a gift passed by - iris blooming in january today, craziness and another lovely reminder of God's beauty
    sat with - hours with dear friends and kindred spirits today. my soul needed them and it was precious time for us all.

  6. Sandi-

    Held...these words as I pray for three friends going through life altering situations..."Romans 8:37-39 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    Passed by...a clean walk way. Todd cleaned all the leaves that we're gathering at the base of the porch. It looked so nice.

    Sat with...the other leaders of our youth group as we planned for future events and prayed over the kids. The love we share for those teens binds us together.
    A true gift.
