Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29, 2013

A song heard, a soft word, light seen...


  1. Song: I have been playing this one over and over the last few days. How sweet the name of Jesus Sounds. Beautiful and needed reminder this week.

    Soft words: kindness from my husband over our morning coffee.

    Light seen: these verses remind me of His amazing grace...
    Psalm 139:17-18 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would out number the sand.When I awake, I am still with You.

  2. A song heard: A relatively new friend was asking me about the death of my nieces and details of what happened. We have been studying about the "whys" of life and I shared that I was learning to not ask "why" much anymore but to just turn it over to God's sovereignty and accept that I will probably never know the answer to a lot of them. As we were talking I shared with her that the morning after they were killed, the praise team at church sang the following song. It has been stuck in my mind ever since that conversation. It is one that continues to remind me that He is faithful.

    There is none like You,
    No one else can touch my heart like You do,
    I can search for all eternity Lord
    And find, there is none like You.

    Your mercy flows like a river wide,
    And healing comes from Your hand.
    Suffering children are safe in Your arms,
    There is none like You.

    There is none like You, ( There is none like You, Lord)
    There is none like You.

    I can search for all eternity Lord,
    There is none like You.
    I can search for all eternity Lord,
    There is none,( there is none,)
    There is none Lord,
    There is none like You.

    Soft word: whispering calming words to a sleepy baby as I loved on him during Bible Study

    Light seen: The moon on Sunday night was amazing against the dark bluish/black sky. It made me happy.

  3. A song heard - love hearing my kids sing songs that we have fun with as a family.

    a soft word - more like words unspoken. I held my tongue on a sensitive subject. Proud of myself for listening to the Spirit instead of giving into my flesh.

    light seen - finally had a few "a ha" moments with my math class. So thankful!

  4. a song heard- praise and worship music that lifts my spirit

    a soft word- I love when Dominic whispers in my ear "I love you mommy"

    light seen- the morning sunshine coming through the window
