Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jan 17, 2013

a gift bringing laughter, prayer, quiet


  1. laughter - Emma going on and on after her nap. I couldn't figure out what she was talking about. I finally figured out she must have had a dream about all of us. Just made me giggle to listen to her talk so intentionally about something.

    prayer - Hope prayed during our devotion this morning. It was such a special moment to see evidence of her spiritual development and how it's matured. Made my heart swell with gratefulness.

    quiet - funny enough - getting gas today. I love Emma but she talks a LOT and morning "talk time" is not my specialty. She talked the whole way to school and I stopped on the way home for gas. I was grateful for the 2 1/2 minutes of quiet as I stood outside the car! haha

    1. I have a second "laughter" to add - Emma's first time in the snow. She kept going on and on about "how beautiful" it was. After about the 8th time I had to just giggle. She was SO excited! :)

  2. Laughter - Jere being silly and making wild crazy eyes like some guy on a tv show. I guess you had to be there but I laughed hard and loudly.

    Prayer - Praying for my parents as they drove home today. They slid off the road into a ditch and a nice person helped pull their truck out. The hill to their house was also iced over so they had to leave the truck and walk home. That was very difficult for my stepdad especially.

    Quiet - right now... the kids are in bed, the tv is off, Jere is reading, the dogs are sleeping too. thankful.

  3. Laughter- Gabe's sweet, contagious laughter as he threw snowballs at Gordon. Gordon loved it. It was so fun to watch him bound around like a puppy.

    Pray-this blog post by Aaron Shust
    Good stuff.

    Quiet- while the boys were at school and the snow softly fell, I looked through old photo albums from my teaching days. I found pictures of a student who died of a drug overdose in 2011. I was able to reconnect with her mom today. Beautiful. Hard. Precious.

  4. Gifts bringing laughter, prayer and quiet:
    Prayer: Watching the birds flock to feeders to fill up as snow approached - such a perfect reminder to know the Source of our provision in time of need;
    Laughter: James got home from work in time to play in the snow with us;
    Quiet: I love how snow seems to cushion the world in quiet as it covers everything.

  5. laughter- Dominic's new phrase "easy-peasy", makes me giggle everytime he says it
    prayer- I feel that praying for others who are hurting puts your problems in perspective
    quiet- a quiet drive by myself, doesn't happen often
